Chickens: What I've Learned So Far

   The rundown: Chickens are frickin' disgusting beasts.

 The chickens on this farm are really well taken care of. We do a lot to make sure they're living quarters are as clean as can be. Fresh water (with electrolytes!) twice a day, whey at breakfast, the freedom to wander wherever they please, the works!

Chickens lay eggs. Then they poop on them. Great, big poop that is rather runny. They poop everywhere. They poop in their water. Then they drink it. They poop all over every square inch of their coops. Then they stand in it. And they love foraging for tasty morsels in the poop of others. yummmmmm. They are always underfoot. They poop in your boots when you leave them on the front porch. I have a whole new outlook on chicken eggs now, and it goes like this: no thanks, I'll pass. My philosophy on eating animal products basically says, if I plan to eat an animal or something that comes from it, I have to be willing to raise it and harvest it myself. I'm pretty sure I won't be chickening my life anytime soon, because I find them damned revolting, so my future might find itself egg-free. Deb likes the chickens, though, so maybe we'll find a happy medium. Who can tell?

<3 The Farmer!


  1. THIS IS HILARIOUS....and yet disturbing at the same time!



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